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stock analyst造句

"stock analyst"是什麼意思  stock analystの例文  


  • Our top management went to new york to speak to a group of a hundred key bankers and stock analysts .
  • Research on herding behaviors of stock analysts in china
  • A word about stock analysts : they are one of the most important constituencies of the viewing audience for a public company ' s financial statements
  • They realize the impact of competitor and government actions , and they understand the expectations of shareholders , stock analysts , and rating agencies
  • A centerpiece of any public offering is the prospectus , which is reviewed by the securities and exchange commission , stock analysts , and potential investors
  • There are also concerns over regulatory deficiencies , which have cast doubts on the credibility of market practitioners from auditors to stock analysts
  • Hp chief executive mark hurd declined to comment on wednesday when stock analysts asked him about the impact of dell ' s new strategy
  • " win card stock market analysis software " is a very good stock analysis software , the electronic stock analysts and the shares are very zhenjing characteristics
  • Management of a public company , on the other hand , must answer to hundreds or even thousands of shareholders and must be responsive to the questions of stock analysts
  • A local stock analyst remarked only twentysomethings like huang have such courage . huang and his financial advisers were quite puzzled to learn that there is no plan for zaobao . com to go public when everybody else is getting in
    當地一股票分析員對我笑指黃川說: “只有這樣20多歲的人才有如此的勇氣。 ”
  • It's difficult to see stock analyst in a sentence. 用stock analyst造句挺難的
  • Public companies , on the other hand , exist in a much different environment and are subject to shareholder pressure as well as stock analysts ' opinions that can have a direct effect on the value of a public company ' s stock
  • Many stock analysts and lawyers view a certain part of the prospectus entitled " management ' s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations " ( or " md & a " for short ) as the most important part of this disclosure
    許多分析師和律師將章程的一部分命名為- - -管理人員的討論、財務狀況的分析、運營成果,把它作為最重要的披露部分。
  • As an aside , it is also important in this regard for private companies going public to flatten out expense variations between quarters to make the reporting more understandable from the perspective of stock analysts and others who analyze publicly traded companies
  • There is another approach . utilizing the basic theory of return and risk and the main methodologies and models of asset valuation , we can study the implied risk premium from the current share prices by incorporating stock analysts " forecast on companies " earnings and growth . by comparing the implied risk premium with the actual risk level of the particular investment , we can decide better whether its valuation is fair
如何stock analyst造句用stock analyst造句stock analyst in a sentence和stock analyst的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。